
NSA eject occupants at Accra Sports Stadium

Nsa BoxA locked Corporate Box at the Accra Sports Stadium

Wed, 13 Jan 2016 Source:

The Management of the National Sports Authority (NSA) has descended heavily on occupants of the Corporate Box of the Accra Sports Stadium, after efforts to eject them failed.

Sportscrusader gathers that most of the occupants are occupying the corporate boxes without any form of payment to the NSA, thereby putting undue pressure on the resources of the NSA.

Most of the occupants have been for years without paying any rent or utility bills to the NSA, hence, the decision to eject them.

The NSA in a bid to streamline their activities and commercialize some of its properties sent notices to some occupants of the Corporate Boxes at the Stadium to quit by the end of June 2015.

However, the occupants failed to heed to the warning of the NSA and subsequent for them to vacate by December 31 was also not adhered to.

The NSA according to information reaching sports crusader had no option than to lock the six out of the eight offices, to forcibly eject the occupants.

A visit to the offices saw most of the offices with locked welded metals hence, the occupants were unable to access the office.

Notable among the occupants were, Francis Adjetey Sowah, former vice president of the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) and President of Africa Amputee Football Federation who uses the office as secretariat of the continent body that governs amputee football, Group Captain Gyimah Kwakye, former Security Coordinator of the NSA and Mr. Kuuku Dzanie who uses one of the offices for private purposes.

According to information gathered by the sports crusader, the NSA will renovate the office and rent them out to new clients who are ready to pay for the use of the offices.
