
Nestle Milo begins donation of 3500 sports boots

Miloboot Donation Nestle Ghana donates boots to schools

Tue, 19 Apr 2016 Source: Nii Armah Ashong Katai

Nestlé Ghana Limited, producers of the beverage MILO, has begun a nationwide distribution sports shoes to less-privileged children from deprived communities across the country in fulfilment of promise made to patrons of the fun race during the 28th Accra MILO® Marathon.

It would be recalled that the 28th Accra Milo Marathon held on 21st September 2015 was expanded to include a 5km fun run to encourage the general public to also enjoy the positive experiences of physical activity while in the process providing shoes to less privileged children in the country to help them take their first step towards being champions in sports and in life.

In her statement, Miss Marilyn Ofori, brands manager for Nestle MILO said, “The MILO Shoes donation project has become a major component of the annual Accra MILO® Marathon since it highlights the company’s belief in giving back to society within which it operates its business. She said “the marathon will always be proud to continue the journey with the Ghanaian people in moving forward to becoming a nation of champions”.

She further promised that “the brand will continue to inspire the youth of Ghana to get into sports as we believe that sport has a unique ability to help instill life values such as hard work, responsibility, fair play, discipline, perseverance and team spirit”.

The national Physical Education Coordinator of the Ghana Education Service (GES) Mr. E.Y Domenya expressed his outfit’s profound gratitude to Nestle Ghana Limited on behalf of the beneficiaries for their continues support in helping groom future champions for this nation and commended Nestle Ghana Limited for helping the GES organize its numerous sports events across the country.

He further stated that “the shoes donated to these under privilege school children will be put to good use. He said such a soul touching gesture from the brand will boost the dreams of these children and the many others who will be receiving later in their quest of future champions”.

So far, 1400 shoes has been distributed to 20 schools in the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Western and the Central regions of Ghana. The rest of the beneficiaries will receive their shoes during the Zonal events of the 2016 U-13 MILO Champions League.

Some of the beneficiary schools includes Apagya R/C Primary, Dompoase D/A Exp. Manso Nkwanta Mehodist Primary, Duayaw Nkwanta R/C Primary, Yawmetswe Primary School, Nkwantakesedo, Bamienko D/A Primary amongst others.

At the end of the project, a total of 3,500 shoes will distributed to less privilege school children in deprived schools across the country.

Source: Nii Armah Ashong Katai