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Nyantakyi is a football Administrative legend

Fri, 30 Sep 2016 Source: Raymond Agbonlahol Yeboah

After all sorts of insults by few stomach journalist in the system, after Nii Lantey witch hunting against his administration,after all the wee smoking verbal attacks on him with unfounded and baseless allegations and all the akpetishie and laka terms of sikadiebasaa,the man who has established himself on top of everything he does has finally silent his critics with one punch. Nyantakyi records are the best in terms of his position as FA president.Ghana indeed has a germ of gold withing us but for some few selfish of interest wolfs ,the populace were nearly deceived with cook up lies. Nyantakyi,has been first in any thing he touches in this country and he is super human. He is the first FA president to have won Africa Under 20 world cup,again,he is the first FA president to have qualified Ghana to world and qualified us to quarter final stage and now the first FA president to get such a big seat at Fifa and also got us representative at CAF, so only the wizards and blinds don't recognized this true legend in our mist.

After all sorts of insults by few stomach journalist in the system, after Nii Lantey witch hunting against his administration,after all the wee smoking verbal attacks on him with unfounded and baseless allegations and all the akpetishie and laka terms of sikadiebasaa,the man who has established himself on top of everything he does has finally silent his critics with one punch. Nyantakyi records are the best in terms of his position as FA president.Ghana indeed has a germ of gold withing us but for some few selfish of interest wolfs ,the populace were nearly deceived with cook up lies. Nyantakyi,has been first in any thing he touches in this country and he is super human. He is the first FA president to have won Africa Under 20 world cup,again,he is the first FA president to have qualified Ghana to world and qualified us to quarter final stage and now the first FA president to get such a big seat at Fifa and also got us representative at CAF, so only the wizards and blinds don't recognized this true legend in our mist. He was cleared from any corrupt practices before elected to this position.l pity some of the media guys in this country who knew the right thing but was influenced and now what else would you sit on air to talk about him.The more you criticize him he shoots higher so it is rather if you can't beat him you join him. l am waiting for the ministry congratulatory message to him because he has achieved what Napoleo couldn't do for making the country proud.A feat ,Nii Lantey apart from only political appointment he can't reach.Some of the journalist in this country and their boss Nii Lantey must learn from Nyantakyi. Stop talking and work is the message. l am done.

Source: Raymond Agbonlahol Yeboah