
Oracene Williams tours Ghana

Thu, 18 Jul 2002 Source: gna

Mrs Gladys Asmah, Minister for Women and Children's Affairs, (MOWAC) on Wednesday said the call for the recognition of the rights of women in the society does not mean that they want to "lord" over men.

She said women form about 52 per cent of the population and contributed immensely to both the socio-economic and political development of the country, thus their efforts needed to be brought to the fore, to ensure a total protection of their rights and interests.

Mrs Asmah said this when Mrs Oracene Williams, Mother of the World's rated number one and two tennis champions, Serena and Venus Williams, called on her at her office in Accra.

Mrs Williams is on a five-day visit to the country at the head of a four- member delegation to explore possible areas that needed assistance. Mrs. Asmah said the ministry was doing all it could to ensure that the rights and interests of women and children were protected and that all children of school going age on the street due to poverty were assisted to get some form of education.

She said she was worried about the rising spate of domestic violence in the country, adding that offenders should be punished severely to deter others. "Women are very important partners in the development of every nation and the world as a whole and must be recognised as such," she said.

Mrs Williams said she supported the industrious efforts of African women in ensuring that their children got the best in life. She applauded the effort of the ministry in helping women to solicit funds for their various economic projects and also ensure that children were given the needed attention, in terms of education and health. She presented an autographed tennis ball and a towel by her daughters to the Minister.

Source: gna