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Salford Red Devils Ghana appoints Jafaru Mustapha as Rugby League Development Manager

Jafaru Mustapha.png Jafaru Mustapha

Mon, 1 Jul 2024 Source: Daniel Oko Djanie, Contributor

Salford Red Devils has announced the appointment of Jafaru Mustapha as the first-ever Salford Red Devils Ghana Rugby League Development Manager, starting July 1.

In October 2021, Salford Red Devils, along with the Rugby League Federation Ghana (RLFG), set out with the intention of creating a partnership between the two organizations. The goal was not only to see the game of rugby league flourish in Ghana but also to embark on the mission of making Salford a household name in West Africa.

Fast forward two and a half years and that mission is becoming closer to reality. The Red Devils are about to pioneer a step that no professional club in either hemisphere has managed since the game’s inception.

Already a stalwart of the game in Ghana and recognized across many of the African playing nations, Jafaru’s rise throughout rugby league over the past decade has been remarkable. From a university graduate enrolled in the first rugby league match officials and coaching course in 2012 in Accra, he has become the General Manager of the federation, National Team Manager, and lead on the Middle East Africa Championships.

The RLFG’s work has seen Jaf deployed in schools, clubs, and communities across every corner of Ghana. With the announcement of his new role, his attention will now turn to threading the Salford Red Devils brand throughout the country while unearthing the untapped and next-generational talent in Accra and beyond.

Salford Red Devils Managing Director, Paul King, spoke of the appointment, saying: “We have talked from day one about this partnership being a long-term plan, with the end goal of seeing Ghanaian players succeeding at the highest level in rugby league, wearing the Salford badge, and bringing their talent to the UK. To do that, of course, we also know nations such as Ghana need support, resources, and education. The hope is that the Salford brand will catalyze our ambition of creating and sustaining a generation of Salford and rugby league enthusiasts in West Africa and further afield.”

MEA & Americas Regional Director, Remond Safi, also highlighted the significance of the milestone. He said: “The Red Devils continue to lead the way for professional clubs in Africa, not only supporting and developing the game but also promoting the good practices that so many UK-based players already have access to. If the game is to survive and thrive in developing nations such as Ghana, and if we are to unlock the next generation of performance, we need partnerships with the likes of Salford. We must think broadly for the good of the game and make the sport truly accessible on the international stage.”

Jafaru Mustapha expressed his enthusiasm for the role saying, “I look forward to working with the local community, inspiring young athletes, and fostering a love for the game. My goal is to not only teach the skills and strategies of rugby league but also to promote teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship. I hope to leave a lasting impact and contribute to the development of future rugby league stars in Ghana who may then go on to wear the Red Devils badge."

Rugby League Federation Ghana’s President, Madame Storey, also noted: “We have known for some time that a dedicated member of rugby league staff in Ghana will not only help the sport flourish in our nation but also give our young players the chance to showcase their talents on a grander scale. We thank Salford for their connection to our community and the support they have shown to the RLFG. We look forward to the day a Ghanaian national pulls on the Salford jersey, bringing each party's hard work together under the Red Devils banner.”

Jafaru’s first assignment will be mass coaching within the local school network while mapping a performance pathway for the juniors, youth, and adult age groups.

Source: Daniel Oko Djanie, Contributor