
Sports Administrators Fume

Sun, 6 Apr 2008 Source: --

The Regional Sports Development Officers Association of the National Sports Council has observed with deep concern the spate of lack of cooperation from the chairmen of some Sporting Associations towards the organisation, promotion and development of sports in the country.

These unhealthy attitudes, in the mind of the Associations are derailing the progress of sports in the country. The Association also believes that the situation is sending wrong signals to Stakeholders and the general public.

We have also observed that there are overt and coveted maneuvers by the Chairman of the Ghana Athletic Association to confuse foreign based athletes on policies of the National Sports Council. The current perceived impasse between the National Sports Council and the Chairman of the Ghana Athletics Association on the mode of selection of athletes for camping for the Olympic Games is an issue in point.

The policy for camping of Athletes by the National Sports Council is that the competitions are held for all athletes – (local and international) athletes are camped and prepares for all international competitions.

This, we believe will give fair chance to all athletes to prove their merit for selection.

But the Chairman of the Athletics Association wants a selected group of athletes to be camped before the championship.

Another issue worth mentioning, which is of concern to the Association is the recent publication in the Graphic Sports of Tuesday, 31st March, 2008 by the Chairman of the Ghana Athletics Association, calling for congress later in the year to elect executive members of the Athletics Association. The call and publication are misleading.

The power to call for congress as at now, is not the prerogative of the Chairman of the Association.

The current Chairman of the Athletic Association was nominated by the National Sports Council and approved by the Sector Ministry and so his call for congress is out of place.

Another issue of concern to the Regional Sports Development Officers Association is a recent publication in the Ghanaian Times of Tuesday, April 1, 2008, captioned “Ghana Sports in Crisis”, and credited to the Director of Sports Development at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, Dr. Emmanuel Owusu Ansah.

The said publication which sought to play down on the intelligence, capacity, performance and achievements chalked by the current National Sports Council administration cannot go without being mentioned.

The Director of Sports Development is telling the whole nation that the new stadia which have been constructed at considerable cost to government do not meet international standards.

The Regional Sports Development Officers Association thinks that, as a Technical Director of the Ministry, the learned director should have used his position to advise the Ministry to put certain vital infrastructure in place during the provision of facilities for Ghana 2008.

Dr. Emmanuel Owusu Ansah cannot escape blame for the supposed infrastructure deficiencies he is talking about since he was at one time a Chief Athletics Coach, Chief Sports Development Officer, Acting Chief Executive of the National Sports Council, and Director of Sports Development, Promotion and Organization at the Ministry even during the construction of the facilities.

It is surprising that while our learned colleague still draws his salary from the National Sports Council; he has failed to give credit to the efforts of the current administration on the improvement in the salary structure and other conditions of service which he is also enjoying.

We wish to advise our learned colleague to discard his confrontational stance with the National Sports Council either overtly or covertly and put his hands to the wheel of progress to give better direction to Ghana Sports.

He should use his position and knowledge to build a cordial working relationship between stakeholders and amongst the sporting fraternity.

The Regional Sports Development Officers Association of the National Sports Council wishes to remind all Sporting Associations that they exist under the direction of the National Sports Council and as Stakeholders, all associations should work in close collaboration with the National Sports Council to move Ghana sports forward until SMCD 54 is repealled to make sporting associations autonomous.

All Sporting Associations owe it a duty to be accountable to the National Sports Council and must work through same.

We acknowledge the following:

The provision of four (4) international facilities plus El-Wak stadium Government policy to build international stadia for all other Regions Government to build facilities for indoor games in selected Regions

These are commendable initiatives from government which should be praised.

We therefore recommend the following: The National Sports Council should organize congress for all sporting associations in the shortest possible time The Sports Council should expedite action to activate all Regional Sports Associations for all National associations to reflect the National character The Chief Executive should appoint a committee to organize and supervise such congresses, as directed by their affiliate international bodies iv. Annual Reports and Statements of account should be presented to the Chief Executive of the National Sports Council to enhance accountability The Ministry should have periodic meetings with the Chief Executive and Chairmen of the various Sporting Association, in order to be aware of their teething problems vi. The Development, Organization and Promotion of Sports is under the jurisdiction of the National Sports Council as stated in SMCD 54, therefore we call on all Stakeholders to join hands with the Council in the development, organization and promotion of sports in the country.


Signed on behalf of Regional Sports Development Officers Association.


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