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Sports Dev't Bill to be placed before Parliament soon

Sun, 26 Oct 2003 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Oct 26, GNA-Mr Prince Oduro-Mensah, Member of Parliament (MP) for Techiman South and Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Sports, has stated that the government had no intention of making one sports discipline to take priority over others.

He said since all sports disciplines stood the chance of bringing honour to the country, the government will pursue policies that will help develop all sporting disciplines.

Mr Oduro-Mensah who was speaking at a forum on "Enhancing Association Football in Ghana" in Kumasi on Saturday, said it was for this reason that the Sports Development Bill will soon be put before Parliament.

The forum was organised by Listowel Sports Consult in collaboration with Kendish Industries International, suppliers of sports equipment.

The Vice-Chairman said the bill was an ample proof that the government was determined to spread its net wider.

Mr Oduro-Mensah bemoaned the attitude of some national players who have to be virtually begged before rendering service to their own country and called for a breakaway from this attitude.

Mr E.K. Asante, Chairman of the Ashanti Region Referees Association (ARAG), called on club officials to educate their players and supporters on the laws of the game in order to save referees from receiving unwarranted attacks for decisions they take on the field of play.

Alhaji Karim Grusah, Chairman of King Faisal Football Club, advocated fairness at all levels of football administration in the country.

Mr George Kennedy, Country Director of Kendish Industries International, entreated the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to institute measures that will ensure consistency in the nation's team building.

Source: GNA