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TMA teams up with Greenwich London to promote sports within Metropolis

Tue, 12 Jan 2010 Source: GNA

Tema, Jan. 12, GNA - Greenwich Sports Academy, a London-based Sports organization, has in partnership with the Tema Metropolitan Assembly (TMA) embarked on a Project to strengthen the sporting activities within the Metropolis.

The Project would not only focus on football but on other sporting areas, including athletics, basketball, hockey and boxing. Counsellor John Fahy, Cabinet Member of Culture and Olympics in London, said the Project was to collaborate with the 2012 Olympics Games which would be held in London.

He disclosed that the Project would help increase the seating capacity of the Tema Sport Stadium to 10,000.

Mr Robert Kempes Ofosuware, Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive was optimistic that the Project when implement would go a long way in rejuvenating sporting activities in the Metropolis. He said the Project would also enable the people to gain more confidence in activities of the government for its sports development programme right from the grass roots level.

Mr Ben Beke, an executive member of the Ghana Greenwich Association, stressed that the Project would also cater for Information Technology (IT) and other educational programmes for sports men and women. He said the Project was also targeted at the development and harnessing of the talents of the youth, especially students in schools to unearth their hidden sports talents. 12 Jan. 10

Source: GNA