
Tanzania female MP ejected from parliament for wearing tight trousers

Sichwale Condester Tanzania MP.png MP Sichwale being escorted out of parliament (left) and full photo of her outside the chamber

Tue, 1 Jun 2021 Source:

• Condester Sichwale, a ruling party MP in Tanzania was ejected from parliament

• The speaker of parliament ruled that she was improperly dressed

• The main issue of contention had to do with her tight-fitting trousers, local media reports

Tanzania’s Speaker of Parliament today threw out a female Member of Parliament over improper dressing, local media portals have reported.

The Swahili-language Mwanachi newspaper reported that Speaker Job Ndugai ordered Condester Sichwale be escorted out of the legislative chamber because she was wearing tight fitting trousers.

A parliamentary official is shown in viral social media photos escorting the MP out of the chamber.

She is spotted wearing a yellow top with a black pair of trousers, which is said to be the center of the sack. A local portal said the attire flouted the internal values of the legislature.

A number of seated lawmakers are captured looking on as she is escorted out of the chamber. Sichwale who happens to be MP for Momba is a member of the ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, CCM.
