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The Best Thing CAF Can Do For Togo

Sat, 23 Jan 2010 Source: Amuna, Nicholas

Angola and for that matter Africa was put in a state of confusion when the Angolan Rebel or Gunmen of the oil-rich territory of Cabinda attacked the Togolese National team at Angola during their road trip by bus from the Republic of Congo into Cabinda- Angola.

FIFA president, Joseph Blatter and CAF was quick to show good leadership by expressing their utmost sympathy to the people of Togo.

As expected, most of the European Clubs were quick to capitalize on the unfortunate shooting by making their usual selfish request to have their players abandon the tournament and return to Europe for security reasons. But we all know their main goal was to strengthen their squads in their various leagues and to also make Africa look weak in the eyes of World Soccer fans in terms of Africa’s ability to host a world tournament.

Upon Consultation with the Soccer officials of Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso as well as the willingness of the Angolan Government to step up security at Cabinda and other parts of the Country, CAF decided to go ahead with the tournament despite criticism from most soccer fans and the withdrawal of the Togolese National team from the tournament.

Thanks to the support from FIFA and the Angolan Government’s readiness to provide solid Security, CAF and Africa have proven to the World that what happened at Cabinda could have happened at any country around the world and that Angola was no exception.

So far Africa has entertained the world with some excellent football at Angola 2010. The world has seen superb Soccer with some huge surprises from teams from Malawi, Gabon, Burkina Faso, Zambia, Angola etc.

I believe strongly that Angola will continue to enjoy success in hosting one of the best Football tournaments in the World.

As the tournament gradually comes to a close, Africans and for that matter CAF should not forget the wounded and the dead during the horrific gunmen attack on Togo. I believe strongly that the best thing CAF and Africans can do to console the people of Togo as well as the family members of the dead and the wounded is for CAF to organize a charity Foot ball game at Togo between the ultimate winner of the Angola 2010 African cup of nations and the Togo National team to raise funds to support family members of the dead and to say no to terrorism in African Football. God bless Africa.

Nick Amuna


Source: Amuna, Nicholas