
The Volleyball Court in Tumu, a Misplaced Priority!!!

Wed, 19 Nov 2014 Source: Fuseini Abdul-Fatawu

The beloved capital of Sissala East District, my home district is far below its developmental level. Tumu, a district capital, historically so rich and culturally so diverse and unique has been left down by the very people who should have worked strenuously to uplift it from the quagmire we find ourselves in. The pace of development in the district should have matched that of any of the advanced districts in Ghana or at least the advanced districts in the Northern part of the country. It is unfortunate that bad leadership coupled with lack of foresight and a clear cut vision has placed my dear district capital in this difficulty.

One would have thought that after the cries of the people to the government for a DCE and the surprise picking of Johnson Saborh as our DCE, he would have learnt lessons from history, consult the people broadly, respect the democratic structures and bring or perhaps spell out a clear vision for the district. One would have equally thought that Johnson Saborh will have prioritized our extremely scarce resources and will in the end place them in a place or at places where the district will have value for its money. Unfortunately once again, lessons are not learnt and mistakes which have always caused the district numerous unexpected problems are being repeated by the Johnson Saborh led District Assembly.

Sports is a recreation and an entertainment. It enhances the physical and mental wellbeing of people and in places where sports facilities are available, the community speedily develops. Sports equally places a community well marketed. No one can dispute how Ghana was well marketed during its successful campaigns in the 2006 and 2010 World Cups. In our own Region, no one can dispute the way Wa All Stars have marketed our Regional capital, Wa. As such when we hear that someone is to create a sports facility in our community especially when that community is a district capital, it calls for joy and praising of that fellow. If however that is done without broad consultations and respect of the democratic structures, it makes such valuable initiative valueless and unproductive. Such is the case of the newly constructed volleyball court in the Tumu Township.

The construction of the volleyball court in Tumu is good and has been long overdue. However the site of its construction and the lack of respect for the democratic structures have made it a misplaced priority. In fact the site of constructing the court and the haste used in constructing it has raised more questions than answers. If the rumuors going round that the cost has deliberately been inflated, it raises more serious questions.

It is common knowledge that the Tumu Sports Stadium is now a dilapidated site and not good enough for hosting high profile games. The walls that have fenced the stadium are totally collapsing and huge trees have taken over from human beings. The very bad situation of the stadium has turned it into an abode for pigs and other wild reptiles. It has equally turned into a dumping ground and a hostel for vultures. With such a situation, one would have thought that if any infrastructure is to be constructed to uplift sports in the district, the first call will have been to renovate and uplift the Tumu Sports Stadium. It will equally not be out of place if that same volleyball court has been constructed at the Tumu Sports Stadium to beautify it and equally keep it in good shape. This will have attracted a lot of people to the stadium and when outsiders come to our stadium they will respect us for it. We could have equally generated revenue when people patronize the now uplifted stadium and that revenue could have been used to help develop our loving district. In fact it will turn the stadium into the most active sports centre in the district, keeping it busy all day, all time.

Also sad is the fact that constructing the court closer to a main road is a possible subject of distraction or obstruction for road users. The volley ball can be played and it can cause harm to motorists or their cars/motorbikes if it happens to hit them. A careless rider can also be riding whiles watching a game and it is probable it can lead to serious accidents. A leader with vision, foresight and positive thinking will realize that if Tumu should develop to the level of advanced districts in the very near future, In Sha Allah, there can be a double carriage road which in effect means that, the volley ball court at its current station will have to be totally destroyed, leading to the loss of the huge sums of money we invested on it.

Another sad fact is that the site for its construction is full of pot holes not yet filled. This actually means that when a heavy rain falls, the court will begin to crack and we will end up spending valuable tax payers’ money to repair those cracks. There is also no place for spectators to sit or even stand to watch the beautiful game of volleyball. I wonder whether the planning unit in the district was consulted and what actually their input was. I and others like me, from our lay man point of view has seen that the site has been constructed without proper planning.

Despite all these, it is totally strange when we were told that the project passed without the approval of the Honourable Assembly Members. If that allegation is true, it is an affront on our democratic dispensation and an insult to the people of the Sissala East District who elected their Assembly Members. If that is true, it also explains the haste used in constructing that volleyball court without perhaps, proper due diligence. It further explains why it is alleged that the project cost has been astronomically been inflated.

We were somehow unofficially informed that Johnson Saborh apologized to the Assembly Members when they express their displeasure on the project undertaken without their knowledge. If that again happens to be true, the Honourable men must begin to live by their name and bite when necessary. This actually is not perhaps the first time such an action is taken without their consent. The nearly dictatorial taking away of electricity poles from Challu and other communities is another case in point. This we are all aware of.

The Honourable members must realize that though their time remaining is short, we still expect a lot from them and as such, when someone is exhibiting autocratic and dictatorial tendencies, it is better they quickly put him in check. This act alone is an enough grounds for impeachment or possibly, to pass a vote of no confidence. They must equally realize that a mistake that is often repeated ceases to be a mistake but rather a deliberate mischievous act meant to hoodwink good people the person perceive to be ignorant and totally gullible. The principle is simple, let me do what I want and apologise later after all; I’ve had what I want. The Honourable men must quickly shine their eyes to merit their title…

I have said enough and I hope lessons will be learnt. In this era of unprecedented hardship under a clueless president; a party totally in chaos and disarray; a ruling party and government ruling Ghanaians with propaganda; a nation where all public sector workers are perceived to be ghosts; at a time when it is a miracle to receive your own hard earned salary at the end of the month thus a source of great joy and pleasure; a per capita debt of 2700 Ghana cedis; one would hope and pray for 2016 to come quickly for, In Sha Allah, a quick change in government. Ghana needs a change and the Sissala East needs a total change in all its political leadership structures. I shall In Sha Allah be back…

Fuseini Abdul-Fatawu

Acting Secretary of Young Patriots in the Sissalaland


Source: Fuseini Abdul-Fatawu