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The game is football but be wise

Thu, 17 Jan 2008 Source: Gyan, Eric

Football is as old as its history. Almost every male child has been a footballer before. The Sanctuary of living and seating rooms in most homes have being turned into football pitch by male children beyond a year old. Perhaps, it is the first game a child encounters in the world and even grows with its passion.

Today, it is not only males who are enthused and carried away on the ecstatic wings of football. Even, females are becoming better fans of the game. There is no doubt that football is now a unisex game. The notion that football is for males is no more. With some moments to CAN 2008, both males and females in the whole world especially in Africa and much particularly Ghana would feel the power of football. The love for our mother Ghana would be expressed to the fullest as many people put on items designed with the nations colours. Though Ghanaians have been patriotic in many ways, the patriotism demonstrated during football time is beyond description. It defiles the norms of political affiliations. Indeed, the game is football, and it is the unifier.

Besides, activities in most work places, shops, and markets would be halted as many people glued to their T V sets and others troop to the various stadia to watch the various matches. Concurrently, drinking bars, taxi drivers, and hawkers would have a blissful business around this time.

In fact, the country would be busy. The talk would be football. The happiness of the people would increase as Ghana Black stars keeps on winning from one match to another. The happiness of the people would be expressed in various forms. Whilst others make noise, others sing to show how happy they are. Others also show their happiness by becoming intoxicated with alcohol. Most of the times, a lot of people become over joyous and turned to indulge in practices that put their lives at the bleak of death.

Some people also show their excitement by having sex. Hence, several people turned to indulge in illicit sexual intercourse for that matter. But we must be on the watch out. Women especially must not be interested in the few Dollars that may smile at their faces. Money is good but it can buy life. We must all learn to STOP AIDS AND LOVE LIFE.

To this effect, Ghana AIDS Commission must be commended for putting up measures in place to ensure AIDS free CAN 2008 in Ghana. It is our hope that NGOs and other stakeholders would also join in this campaign, so the prevalence of HIV/AIDS would not increase after the tournament. All of us should help by kicking HIV/AIDS from Ghana and make this tournament HIV/AIDS Free one.

Gyan Eric University of Cape Coast

Source: Gyan, Eric