
Three-day Youth for sports camp ends in Winneba

Sun, 27 Oct 2002 Source: .

A three-day "youth for Sports" camp, organised by the Gibbons Sports Foundation, a sports Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) on the role of sports in the socio-economic development of the country ended in Winneba on Sunday.

The non-residential camping attracted over 40 youth between the ages of 12 and 22 years in the Ewutu Senya District, which kick-started last Friday. They were taken through the rules governing some sporting disciplines and some demonstration on how the game is played as well as tit-bits on the prevention of HIV/Aid and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Mr Larry George Botchway, Executive Director of the Foundation, later told GNA Sports that his outfit is in touch with some international NGOs for sports in order to secure some used sporting equipment to assist needy sportsmen and sportswomen to realise their dreams.

He said the target of the foundation is to help raise the level of the "lesser Known" sporting disciplines to an appreciable level which he believes, stand a better chance of winning medals for the nation than football.

Mr Botchway noted that there is the need for the private sector to augment the effort of government adding, "it is the only way to revive the lesser known sports".

At the moment, the foundation has mounted a stand at Winneba where school children are taken through the rudiments of playing Table Tennis. "There is the need to enhance the human resource of the youth who even though are naturally talented lack the basic sporting kits and access to sports facility, he said.

The Minister of Youth and Sports Mr Edward Osei-Kweku is scheduled to formally launch the Foundation at the Ghana Social Aviation Centre on November 21.

The Executive Director called on the business communities to assist the foundation to redeem Ghana's lesser-known sports. Meanwhile, the Foundation is billed to organise a seminar on Thursday, November 31, at Winneba for various identifiable youth groups in the district. The District Sports Development Officer would be the resource person.

Source: .