
Stars performance to impact positively on CAN 2008

Wed, 12 Jul 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, July 12, GNA - Dr Kofi Amoah, Chairman of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) of Ghana CAN 2008 football tournament has said that the performance of the Black Stars in the 2006 FIFA World Cup is one of the great factors that should impact positively on the hosting of the Africa Cup of Nations in 2008. He said the dedication of the Stars in the cause of the nation and the unconquerable spirit displayed during the tournament, have drawn the eyes of the entire world onto Ghana. Dr Amoah who said this in a congratulatory message to the team said the LOC sees great promise for success at CAN 2008 through the Black Stars performance in Germany He said the achievement of the Stars, "Thus makes better the chances of translating into reality the vision of a prosperous Ghana through the 2008 tournament." The Chairman of the LOC said it is expected that the excitement caused by the Ghanaian team and the continual tying of their actions to the tournament to be hosted by Ghana in 2008, will draw large volumes of spectators from all over the world to watch the 26th edition of Africa's flagship tournament. He said the reaction of the world to the exploits and skills exhibited by the Stars was overwhelming and quite humbling in its intensity and sheer joy.

Accra, July 12, GNA - Dr Kofi Amoah, Chairman of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) of Ghana CAN 2008 football tournament has said that the performance of the Black Stars in the 2006 FIFA World Cup is one of the great factors that should impact positively on the hosting of the Africa Cup of Nations in 2008. He said the dedication of the Stars in the cause of the nation and the unconquerable spirit displayed during the tournament, have drawn the eyes of the entire world onto Ghana. Dr Amoah who said this in a congratulatory message to the team said the LOC sees great promise for success at CAN 2008 through the Black Stars performance in Germany He said the achievement of the Stars, "Thus makes better the chances of translating into reality the vision of a prosperous Ghana through the 2008 tournament." The Chairman of the LOC said it is expected that the excitement caused by the Ghanaian team and the continual tying of their actions to the tournament to be hosted by Ghana in 2008, will draw large volumes of spectators from all over the world to watch the 26th edition of Africa's flagship tournament. He said the reaction of the world to the exploits and skills exhibited by the Stars was overwhelming and quite humbling in its intensity and sheer joy.
Dr Amoah praised the team for placing Ghana on high pedestal and for making 91all our compatriots proud once again to belong to this dear country of ours 96 Ghana'. He entreated the team to continue to be strong and still keep themselves in a state of preparedness 93in order to add the coveted CAN 2008 Africa Cup to all the successes and achievements that will surely come our way=94. Dr Amoah was in Germany during the World Cup tournament at the head of an Loc delegation to understudy the operations of the tournament. 12 July 06

Source: GNA