
Who wins SpaceFm/Unilever Fun Games?

Wed, 29 Jun 2005 Source: SpaceFM

As part of preparations towards the 2nd Republic Day Fun Games organized annually by Space FM , representatives of participating organisations have met with the planning committee to deliberate on how best to ensure a fair and incident free games.

The Games which seek to bring unity among all organizations in the Sunyani Municipality will be held on the 1st and 2nd July 2005 and is sponsored by Unilever Ghana Limited with the support of Tab Mensah Enterprise.

The games will be dominated by soccer and will see Space FM locking horns with PWD workers; Evasa Company faces GNAT while the Association of Garages is expected to show their superiority over the Association of Mobile phone dealers.

In other matches, Ghana Water Company limited will come up against Tailors with IRS facing the Association Distillers.

The Electricians Association will meet the defending champions, Butchers in a match expected to be full of thrills.

To spice up the games, Unilever homecare products will be sold to the public at subsidized prices. Every product bought will be used for a raffle draw with many prices to be won.

A musical show featuring, Praye, FBS among others, will he held at the Center for National Culture (CNC), to climax the two day programme.

The program is expected to be a great success but the big question is ?who wins the fun games??

Source: SpaceFM