GFA General Secretary, Prosper Harrison Addo
The Ghana Football Association has issued a detailed response to former Ghana Premier League side, New Edubiase, following allegations from the club that the current FA administration intended to stay in power beyond their stipulated 4-year first term in office.
In a 4-page response to New Edubiase which has been intercepted by GhanaWeb, the GFA told New Edubiase that “Your fear that the GFA Election would be held beyond the mandate of the current Executive Council is not supported by the facts.”
The response of the FA follows a petition from New Edubiase which sort to allege that the FA wants to either overstay their mandate or blindside other opponents by conducting an election at the upcoming Ordinary Congress to be held in Kumasi on July 10.
But the FA has said, the elective congress of the FA, especially in an election year is also done at an Extraordinary Congress and thus the fear of New Edubiase is not supported by facts.
With the mandate of the current FA hierarchy set to expire in October this year, there has been a lot of politicking and covert campaigning going on.
New Edubiase and its top officials who are avid supporters of aspiring FA president George Afriyie have been the loudest in accusing the current FA of attempting to overstay its mandate.
In point 11 of the 15-point response, the FA said “That also be assured that no person will postpone elections or amend GFA Statutes with secretly signed documents.
This allegation is flawed in the face of the facts. At the engagements with the clubs where you were present, the process laid down for amendment of the GFA Statutes were explained and all clubs understood that the proposed amendment of the GFA Statutes will not play a part in the 2023 GFA election and will be done in Congress by members of Congress sometime after the elections.”
The response signed by the GFA General Secretary, Prosper Harrison Addo, went on to say “Note also that, once you come out of a Normalisation period, FIFA continues to observe keenly your progress, growth and compliance with all the tenants laid down and so far the feedback on governance is that we have demonstrated as an Association that we are doing well.
“That further be assured that an Elective Congress will be held in accordance with the provisions of the GFA Statutes and GFA Regulations on Elections with the full participation of all stakeholders of football, especially with full media attendance.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide updates and explanations on the subject matter. Counting on your usual cooperation as always.”
The FA will next week hold an Ordinary Congress in Kumasi on July 10 before an elective Extraordinary Congress is held before October to elect new regional FA and district Chairmen, new Executive Council Members and FA President.
Incumbent FA boss, Kurt Okraku will face competition from the likes of former FA Vice President George Afriyie and Kojo Yankah who have both declared their intentions to contest.