
Alima Moro hits top form in Italy

Mon, 14 Jul 2008 Source: - Reggie Tagoe

Ghanaian female footballer in Italy, Alima Moro, continues to make the headlines in Italian female soccer.

The 25-year-old goalkeeper was selected to take part in two special gala competitions with 5-player a side known in Italy as ‘Calcetto’.

The first competition held in the city Padova, north of Italy, was made up of four teams, Padova Calcio 5 (a Serie A side), Vicenza Farina, Ringo and Caffé dae Tose where Alima featured.

After each team had played one another for qualification to the final, Vicenza Farina and Caffé dae Tose emerged as the two finalists after which Alima’s team, Caffé dae Tose became champions with a 2-1 victory.

The second tournament in Vicenza saw six teams involved, Caffé dae Tose, San Rocco, Movive, Ringo and Laghi B (Alima’s current club in the Italian Serie B league).

In a highly contested tournament San Rocco and Caffé dae Tose came on top as the finalists and again Caffé dae Tose clinched victory winning the cup by 3 goals to 1.

Alima was voted the best goalkeeper of the two competitions and given a seperate trophy when her team was presented with the cup as the best team in both tournaments.

The Ghanaian star later attracted offers from clubs to play in the Italian Serie A female league but her club’s President, Mattesco Maria, and team manager Giuseppe Granatello are reluctant to sell at this time insisting the Ghanaian keeper is so vital and needed to help the team, Laghi B, climb into the Italian Serie A football league.

Alima said after the tournament: “I am content and proud to be a Ghanaian and the only black in these two competitions to get an award as the best goalkeeper”.

She further mentioned in a later interview she wants to pay back to her team, Laghi B, what they have given her in terms of help and confidence and see them in the ranks of the Italian Serie A next year before taking a decision to play for one of the top teams in that division. “The league at the moment has ended and the new season will start in August but I’m leaving no stone unturned and been training very hard to maintain my form,” she added.

Source: - Reggie Tagoe