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This is very , very, true.
However, it is due to our governments and sports administrators who have totally failed to groom talents, and effectively render our local or domestic leagues highly competitive, and with good sala ...
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Spot on, obviously the truth nobody wants to talk about. The person makes his decision on which country to represent and should stick to it
You are right. See what they did to Mpappe. Africa is not serious
I disagree. Government and sports admi have no control over Academies vs foreign influence on a system driven by money.
that was not the point...has nothing to do with grooming talent at home. Read his submission carefully.
Mikel Obi is very stupid to say that.
TRUE TALK ... Inaki and Nico Williams are good examples on opposing sides. Hudson Odoi and Nketia are the others. It's not like they are superstars.
Mikel is very sexy. I want to pound his ASS!
Is Mikel forgetting reality? Once you start playing for these countries, all kinds of people come out of the woods, claiming to be your uncles, cousins, nieces etc asking you to be their provider. In his own words, outsiders ...
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I am sure Ochee Do- Chee is on drugs. Senseless comments from a clown.
That is what all 'FREELOADERS' like you always say!
Why insult him, just make your point period
so what senses you can bring up to this issue he truly elaborate before calling him stupid?
U are right but that won't stop until we start doing things right in Africa. If we make our football attractive, they will even beg to play for us. As we speak, football management is rotten in Africa so they wont come.
There's always a first choice and second choice in everything .... at the end of the day it's up to the coach to pick him or not especially when he's on form they've got nothing to lose bruh if u don't call them ... Simpl ...
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Too much bull crap in Africa, it's better to play for the whiteman, make money and help the poor in Africa. Nico Williams and his brother wouldn't where they're , if they were born in Africa. Their parents couldn't ha ...
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where didn't this dude stay in nigeria to develop himselfbut ran to europe? this man shd hv been telling african football administrators and politicians what to do to make football attractive. am disappointed
The European countries should fan the fire for you to come and eat,right?
Invest in your talents
You are saying the truth
I get his general point but which of the Nigerian foreign born players in the latest AFCON switch after 25-29? May have been true for the first generation but most of the current generation are making up their minds and picki ...
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Guys you are not getting what Mikel is trying to say... you people are talking rubbish and nonsense. You have to understand what really worry Mikel and Africans as whole.... before judging, this not about Federation of any Af ...
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I think I agree with obi.. the always want to represent Africa when they are getting older
I agree with Mikel 100%, it is also a call to African FA to sit up and get the act right.
Next time Mikel should take a swipe at African FAs to be more organized and set rules
I believe Mikel Obi should direct his criticism at the inept and corrupt African FA organizations instead of the players. Some of us might also ask why with all his 'PROUD AFRICAN HERITAGE' he chose to marry 'WHITE' at his re ...
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