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I spit on sick dog prophet mohammed
Hello sports lover...Learn & Earn! Kings don't just read news, they make news. As a young man, entertain yourself o BUT face your own hustle too. Don't blame your village people when money no dey or things are not working, if ...
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Hearts did not communicate with you “directly” during your “multiple meetings”? Idiot trying to use Hearts to earn relevance.
The contradictions are so glaring. When the Hearts coach spoke to him that he will fit perfectly into his plans, that is not communicating directly? No wonder Kotoko did not renew his contract.
Morrison, it's better to play for Mamoobi gutter to gutter team than this shit team called hearts of oaks
Olufemelola Okikiolu or whatever they called your name you are sick in your head .... And the 4;0 we gave you guys is still not making you to recover from your madness.
Continue with your drugs. Foolishman Son
@Import and expirt, your father is a very good friend of mine so there's no way i will insult him but he's soo much stupid and fool for not wearing condom before knocking your mom, your dad mistake is unpardonable and unforgi ...
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Congrats.Best wishes