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Nkwasiasem nkoaa. Instead of calling the right players and appointing the right technical team look at what they are doing. Osoro boa nea oboa ne ho. God helps those who help themselves
lol...Ghana for you where God is our agriculturist, our football fate decider, our electoral commissioner, our teacher and our father !!!
If youre Playing against Chad, and youre engage in night Prayer, what will you do if Playing against Brazil?
Hahahaa,Philip say it again oo bro!we no go pray playing against Brazil,but we go fast 40days 40nights before..
The video sef sound no de come, how do you know they were praying and how did you even know they're pastors. Ridiculous.
True but what are they doing there at midnight? There is a higher probability they are praying. THIS CHILDISH BEHAVIOUR MUST STOP. HOW ON EARTH SHALL WE HIT THE PANIC BUTTONS PLAYING AGAINST CHAD? We must thank ourselves we ...
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They better go out and win souls for christ.
This nonsense must stop. Aaaaaaaaa
They soiled the park with their bloody hands. Ghana is a disgraceful country. Who allowed these people to do this? No serious country will do this. Why are you hypering these people to take the glory away from the hard work o ...
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Ghana fuo paaa, they never learn! Election time, its pastors, azaa, its pastors, now sports too, pastors. Ebei!!!! The truth is that if you have players who are not committed that much, and a management keen to make money out ...
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Look how stupid the Ghanaian pastors are as usual
The Gyemiiiiiiii is too much in the country.Don't they have something better to do.This country is going crazy
It's a mistake for someone to think that Christ can help his/her team to win a match. People who think like this don't understand what Christianity is about. Christ died to save the entire world from sin and this has nothing ...
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Right on point.
For this, I hope Ghana loses and lose big to Chad.
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I thought the stadium was a security zone before a match. Weell.
And why should Ghanaweb publish this!!!!!!!!!
You prayed to win games in Qatar2022. Did it work??????