
Monetizing the Black Stars in the name of motivation

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  • readi 2 dye 10 years ago

    The monies set aside is solely used for its ghana almost everyone thinks stealing from ur job is the only way to get rich.....players have money I don't think giving up 5gees is a big deal to them but to watch e ...
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  • Monetizing the Black Stars in the nam 10 years ago

    Listen, it is improper to mandate the senior players of the nation to set aside some of their appearance fees for the support of either colts or juvenal soccer in the country.
    Gone are the days when they played for the sake ...
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  • Yaw Beer 10 years ago

    When we talk about sponsors then it must what is on paper. The management must emphasise on the importance of grass root football. There is no doubt Ghana has a huge amount of untapped talents. Money is not the issue but it's ...
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  • SSB 10 years ago

    Ohene Gyan was one such example as u hv rightly explained my intelligent friend

  • Osei 10 years ago

    Mr., can you find out how much these players make before tagging them huge salaries? It's a canker in society, sufficient is never enough.

  • cedicedi 10 years ago

    monetizing GFA members in the name of Black stars

  • SSB 10 years ago

    Laudable idea bt u miss th pt. Abedi n Yeboah tried bt where dd it end them. Why do we as Ghanaians always want smthg fr free? Ask urself " rather wht does the GFA do with the rest of the money after they pay the so called ap ...
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