
I won’t be a Minister of football - Isaac Asiamah

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  • Wofa 8 years ago

    It would help only if it's not lip service. Please parliament should pass a bill on how much be given to all national teams as bonus and per diem, including all sporting disciplines. When it becomes a law it will end sportsme ...
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  • FREEMAN 8 years ago

    Good. As Sports Minister, supervise, lead and encourage all the Sports Associations - from the Grassroots, through Towns, Regions and National. Attract respect from them by respecting your Office and yourself. Finally, prov ...
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  • The bitter truth 8 years ago

    Is not news we have heard that before. Tell us what you are going to do differently and don't connive with GFA to continue the Corruption.

  • Cris 8 years ago

    Be very much careful with the GFA, they are robbers, especially Kwesi and Sanni

  • joe 8 years ago

    That is good.. but GFA is an association of football precisely black Stars,..becos that is where they get their coefficient.. Hw will they tolerate ur vision? hahahahaha

  • Blackman 8 years ago

    Parliament should not pass no bill for nothing.

    Leave that activity for pravite sector
    Government should stay away from that.

    It's time they should come to USA to learn how government deal with those activities

  • Blackman 8 years ago

    Parliament should not pass no bill for nothing.

    Leave that activity for pravite sector
    Government should stay away from that.

    It's time they should come to USA to learn how government deal with those activities

  • kweku 8 years ago

    oh don't fool ur self wat can u do for sports aboa like u

  • Alfred Yeboah or Paayaw 8 years ago

    We thank almighty GOd for bringing Isaac Kwame Asiamah as a sports minister. May GOd almighty give him a lot of strength to do this work. Asiamah I know you very well and can do this work accurately

  • Alfred Yeboah or Paayaw 8 years ago

    U are so so grateful for that.
    Am very happy proud to be in Tano dumasi. Asiamah work done.

  • kwame ben 8 years ago

    It's clear from this man's talks that he is already in bed with the FA so l am not expecting anything New from him.It's going to be the old agenda of creat share and loot with Kwesi Nyantakyi