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ADEBI is twice Dede+Jordan 2(Dede+Jordan)so no wonder their combined effort repeated history.
This is exactly the behaviour that turned many people away from Abedi.Let us not repeat the same mistake.There were other players on the field besides the Ayews who worked very hard to earn Ghana that place we are right now.L ...
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Abedi ..kudos ..where is Tony yeboa who was fighting for the captainship with Pele? no wonder Akans always want to be the Head. that's why they can even kill to get power. I mean some of them...
to you vugaa learnt how to talk !!am truely an Ashanti and am proud of it!!!if we talk of killing never mentioned Akans but you wicked ppl like other tribe in Gh here !!stupid fool talk sense dont just talk !!i bore ruff
Pls stop the trabalistic insult n stand solid behind the team.If i see an akan i see my brother likewise a Ga:Pls one Great Ghana,one people.
What has Tony Yeboah got to do with this?He never fought Abedi over the Captain's band. Why are you so full of it, agitator and nation wrecker?
Prior to the 1992 AFCON in Senegal, Abedi and others were invited to augment t ...
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God bless you for speaking the truth even though it hurts.
Congrats to the whole team and not just the Ayew's. Football is a team work.
You are also lying... why can't you speak the truth 4 once.
@Mensah Abrampah: Even though I do not agree with all your analysis of the issue however, your reasoning when it comes to national unity is highly respected. We need people like you in all quarters in Ghana. Thank you for rin ...
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Were you called to the meeting when the Mastro made that demand,pls dont say things that are not true,if what you are saying is true,why Mr.Akwasi Appiah wouldstill be best friends with his brother Abedi,please for the good o ...
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Please stop this kind of useless speculations. Do you know Tony's wife and where she comes from?
keep it up boys
Vugaa, no comment bcos u said all.
Stupid vuga foolish ayibge boy wat does this thing got to do wet e Akans village gy ur mother
foolish comment by vugaa or whatever you call yourself, first Akans or if u lyk Ashanti's love Abede(Northers) so much.. Ksi never changed Baba Yara Sports Stadium as compared the the GA's. I'm sure you never met Toni Yeboah, ...
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They both were! I like dat.
This is stupid speculation. By the way, do you know Tony's wife and where she comes from?
...not DR Congo please
The article is erroneous! It was Congo Brazzaville not DR Congo. The goalkeeper beaten on that day was the captain of the Congo Brazzaville Team, Samba Brice!!!!
Through out his life up to know, he has contributed a lot to the national team directly and indirectly and he deserves a lot of respect for that.