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Will Executive Council, Nyaho Cease Fire?

Sat, 5 Feb 2005 Source: Chronicle

SLOWLY BUT SURELY, the "cat is getting out of the bag" as the Chairman of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) Dr. Nyaho Nyaho - Tamakloe's eight-month romance with the FA appears to be heading to an unpleasant end, with the passing of a vote of no confidence in the FA chairman.

Congress, which is the highest decision making body of football in Ghana, only confirmed what was expected after the Executive Council of the FA had earlier expressed its unwillingness to work with Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe who they claimed had over-stepped his boundaries in the administration of the game in Ghana.

Since taking over last year, Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe has stepped on a few toes as he tries to bring sanity in the running of the FA. He was alleged to have made numerous allegations against the executive council, one of which was describing the council's structure in the administration of football in the country as an absurd one that frustrated the activities of the management board, making neither common nor business sense - something he believes does not help matters in the country.

The Executive Council kicked against this and at an emergency council meeting late last year, the 33-man body came out boldly to say that they could not work with the Physician, and would find any means possible to strip him of his post.

Typical of him, Dr. Tamakloe took the matter to court praying the judiciary to rule in his favour, that the executive council has no right to force or impose any sanctions on him. The Judge had advised the parties to go and try to settle the matter amicably, and adjourned the case to the end of February.

The vote of no confidence passed by congress was however not a favourable news to the FA boss who must now win his Court case, in order to stay in office as head of football administration in the country. But should the verdict go against him, Dr. Tamakloe would be the most unsuccessful FA Chairman as well as the officer with the shortest tenure in the history of Ghana Football.

Last Wednesday's decision of 72 in favour and 2 against on a motion of no confidence in him, does not necessary mean Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe loses his post immediately - it is only the executive council that can impeach him, but that is no good news for him as he fights his case in court.

The decision however does not send positive signals about Ghana football to the rest of the world, just as it is not welcome news on the local scene.

The senior national team, the Black Stars are scheduled to begin the second phase of their 2006 world cup qualifier against the Democratic Republic Congo next month, and one can only imagine what would be going through the minds of the players, should this power struggle rage on.

What do both the Executive Council and Congress seek to gain by their action? Are they simply trying to do away with a person who would not accept their dictates and would stand up to them?

Or is it that their action is guided by the supreme interest of Ghana football?

Basically, every member of the Executive Council is a member of the Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA), and as seem to be the tradition; whoever criticizes the body is branded 'public enemy'.

Dr. Tamakloe, may have his short falls or problems and I must admit sometimes he had acted out of proportion but on what basis does the executive council want him out of office?

He has been at the helm of affairs for less than one year and his plans and policies have not fully taken shape for it to be said that he has been a failure.

He certainly needs more time to put through his plans. Dr. Tamakloe can be fairly judged only when he had served his full term.

Many have questioned the role of the Executive Council and what they do. They have been there all this while as Ghana Football has been on a steady decline.

This piece is aimed at holding brief for the FA boss but the records ought to be set straight and put to where it belongs. Dr. Tamakloe, has just begun work and needs time to see his plans through.

The Executive Council and its cohorts need to take a critical look at itself and come out clear on how they intend to help the FA with the running of the sport and put a stop to the wrangling.

Ghana football needs a completely new out-look as we prepare to host the rest of the continent in 2008.

The power-struggle would not help matters in any way.

Source: Chronicle