
13 women awarded for excellence in agriculture at maiden Gold in Soil Awards

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Sat, 15 Jun 2019 Source:

13 women playing various roles in the agricultural sector have been identified and awarded for their success and contribution to Ghana’s food production at the maiden edition of the Gold in the Soil Awards.

The awardees drawn from various sectors of the food value chain were decorated with a beautiful plaque, portraying the African woman.

The Gold in the Soil Awards scheme, an initiative of Agrihouse Foundation received about 80 nominations, with the Gold in the soil and Passion for the Farm categories receiving the highest number of entries.

Eunice Nuku had the She Innovates Award, while Gladys Doe picked Passion for the Farm Award.

Mama Ayipe, Edith Akosa Wheatland and Benedicta Tamakloe were adjudged the best in the Royal Agro, Change Champion 1 and 2 categories respectively.

Janet Adade who is well vested into rice cultivation and processing took home the Princess Carla Award. She had distinguished her self for being one of the few women to have owned a cocoa farm in her hometown, Akpafu and spearheaded the training of women in the food value chain in parts of the Volta Region.

Beatrice Agbonu, who despite her disability braced the odds to cultivate in large qualities crops and vegetables was decorated with the Superwoman Awards.

“I deserve this award, I have worked hard for long with no recognition, but now I have been recognized,” she said when speaking to Ghanaweb.

“I am not scared with disability because I was born with it and I am happy and proud that I am a disabled woman, but I can do what abled people do and even do it better,” she added.

Madam Agbnu, therefore, urged young females to venture into agriculture for economic liberation.

Development Partner, Diamond in the Rough and Feed to Food awards went to the Canadian High Commission, Theresah Ama Agbovi and Eva Atsisogbe respectively.

Rosalin Delali won the Lady of the Region Export Award with Mary Donor picking the Star in Agric Award.

Connie Nyador received the Gold in the Soil award which was the ultimate. She is engaged in technology farming, where she had adopted modern agricultural mechanisms on her farms to increase yields.

However, there was no recipient for the Climate-Smart Women Project Award.

The awardees would enjoy a 10% discount on the purchase of any interplast prodcut, and have a round table discussion on women in agriculture with the Sector Minister, Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto.

Th Gold in the Soil Award was designed in partnership with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Women In Agric Development (WIAD), National Farmers and Fishermen Award Winners Association of Ghana (NFFAWAG) and the Volta Regional Coordinating Council.

Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa appreciated efforts of the awardees in promoting agriculture.

She expressed optimism trainings given participants at the Women in Food and Agriculture Leadership Forum would impact positively in their various endeavors and help them arrive at the desired results.
