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4th CEO Summit launched

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Mon, 11 Feb 2019 Source:

The fourth edition of the Ghana Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Summit slated for May 20-21 has been launched in Accra, Monday, Feburary 11.

The Summit according to Ernest De-Graft Egyir, CEO and Founder, Ghana CEO Summit will explore the capacity of an ongoing technological revolution to transform the Ghanaian economy.

"It is changing the world of work profoundly; jobs, skills, employment, education, industries, manufacturing, business models and economies are undergoing fundamental transformations.

Speaking to the theme for this year’s event ‘The Futuristic Economy: Technology-Driven Future of Business & Governance for Economic Transformation” De-Graft Egyir said, the discussion had become necessary because the world of business and governance is at the threshold of transformation driven by emerging technologies.

"The current pace of change, whiles fast, is likely to be slower than the pace of change in the future. Our lives are being shaken to the very core by technological change, with the tech revolution transforming economies as never before".

He said a total of 400 CEOs from across the African continent have been billed to participate in the summit.

On his part, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), Mr Yofi Grant said the global economy was now in the fourth industrial revolution where innovation and technology are the main vehicles by which transformation and development are being achieved.

“Ghana is on the fast-track to development which is being propelled by a partnership between the government and the private sector.” he said

Mr. Grant expressed his excitement to be involved in the summit because the GIPCs core focus is to market Ghana as the preferred investment destination and becomes the best place to do business in Africa.
