
90% Of Goods On Market Smuggled

Thu, 13 Nov 2003 Source: Ghanaian Times

Mr. Kweku Agyemang-Manu, Deputy Minister of Finance, has disclosed that, about 90 per cent of goods on the market are uncustomed. He mentioned watches, drugs, spirits, cosmetics, jewelry and textiles as some of the most smuggled goods.

According to him, despite efforts to strengthen the capacity of the CEPS for the effective patrol of the unapproved routes along the country’s borders, massive evidence of smuggled goods still existed on the market.

The Deputy Minister said these when he and officials of CEPS, led by Brigadier Baiden Richards, the Commissioner, met with members of the Identifiable Traders Association to discuss the point of sales check to be undertaken by CEPS soon.

The exercise, meant to check smuggled goods on the market, will be carried out randomly at market places by a task force of CEPS. Mr Agyeman said smuggling was killing the local industries, especially textile companies. “The trend needs to be checked because when the companies fold up, people become unemployed”, he noted.

Source: Ghanaian Times