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AWA set to improve customer experience

World Airline

Thu, 25 Sep 2014 Source: B&FT

Ghana’s fastest growing regional carrier, Africa World Airlines (AWA), is set to launch an on-board survey as part of efforts aimed at soliciting data on levels of satisfaction from customers in order to improve upon the overall end-to-end passenger experience.

The airline’s Chief Operating Officer, Apiigy Afenu, at a press soiree on the occasion of AWA’s 2nd Anniversary reiterated the airline’s commitment to ensuring that each passenger’s comfort is given utmost priority.

“To this end, with effect from the 15th October 2014, Africa World will be launching an on-board survey to all its cherished customers that asks them the very simple question, ‘how were you served?’” he said. “This is the best way we can connect with our customers to bring quick, short and sharp changes to our modus operandi.”

AWA is introducing a special promotion on its Nigerian route called the “AWA 9-JA” Double Birthday Promotion, which seeks to offer passengers plying the route a discounted fare of USD200 -return- or its cedi or naira equivalent from 21st September to 5th October.

“In addition, the AWA FLY-4-FREE package is a form of reward to our loyal customers. This is not a promotion but a permanent feature to all our travelers and will become a sustained package as we grow into the African giant we were formed to be. It allows you to fly four times on all our routes and get one free ticket after that,” Apiigy Afenu explained in a press statement.

AWA aims to radically improve upon existing products and services to its customers to ensure an effective and enjoyable passenger experience. It is expecting the arrival of the state of the art Airbus A319 2-class configuration aircraft which has been delayed by a few weeks as a result of decline in demand as well as certain government travel restrictions due to the recent Ebola outbreak in the sub-region.

Source: B&FT