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Adonko Bitters manufacturers apologise; ask consumers to return recent product for replacement

Adonko Bitters Most patrons were believed to have passed out as a result of excessive drinking of the beverage

Tue, 2 May 2017 Source:

Manufacturers of Adonko Bitters are recalling their product with batch number 201 as directed by the Foods and Drugs Authority (FDA).

The said products were believed to have caused the passing out of several patrons at an Easter Monday event at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium, Kumasi.

The mass swoon at the event venue forced the FDA to slap a GH¢25, 000 administrative charge on Angel Group of Companies, the mother company of the manufacturers. The Authority also accused the manufacturers of running promotions on the product with celebrity association without its approval.

But in a release signed by Samson Lardy Anyenini of A-Partners@Law, solicitors of Angel Group of Companies, the manufacturers said the standard practice was followed in the production of the product “and quality monitoring systems remain as thoroughly examined and approved by the FDA”.

The manufacturers by the release on Tuesday, May 2 pledged their commitment to ongoing investigations by the FDA. They insisted, however, that the products were not sold out to minors as alleged.

“It is difficult to make scientific claims of pictures whose sources cannot be guaranteed. That, notwithstanding, the company apologizes for any untoward developments leading to the FDA’s actions.”

It assured the FDA and consumers of maintaining safety and quality standards “which have given products of the company international acceptance, and also that the appropriate notices and approvals for such promotional events shall be strictly adhered to in future”.
