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African Air Show 2017: Civil Aviation Authority must be autonomous - Aviation safety expert

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Wed, 25 Oct 2017 Source:

Director of safety at the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority, Daniel Aquah, has urged politicians to desist from interfering in the operations of the aviation sector as doing so would mean disrupting the independence of the sector.

According to him, in as much as government and the legislature are mandated to establish laws to manage the Civil Aviation operations as an entity does not mean that the autonomy of the organization is controlled by them.

“In establishing the primary law, this must be put in place by the government and the legislature. But then if the same people turn around trying to dictate to that organization which is supposed to be established then we’ll not be able to achieve that objective. Therefore political interference should be out completely,” Mr. Aquah stressed.

Mr. Aquah who was speaking at the African Air Show 2017 conference in Accra, also highlighted the sector’s vision of making Ghana the aviation hub of Africa through the introduction of events such as the Air show, aimed at showcasing opportunities available in the aviation sector.

About the African Air Show 2017

The African Air Show 2017 which is been held in partnership with 4M Events of Abu Dhabi, organisers of the Paris Air Show aims at engaging major players within the African and global Aviation space with the view of positioning Ghana as an aviation hub

Activities for the event include; an exhibition which is scheduled for October 25, 2017. It is expected to attract about 100 exhibitors, who have already registered, and an estimated 3,000 participants.

The exhibitors include government departments, airport companies, airlines, flight school academies, ground handling services, military and defence, security agencies, cargo handling services, representatives of aircraft manufacturers, among others.
