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AngloGold Bibiani Mine honours 11 workers

Mon, 20 Dec 2004 Source: GNA

Bibiani (W/R), Dec. 20, GNA - Eleven workers of the AngloGold Ashanti Bibiani Mine have been honoured for their dedication and hard work in their various departments during the year.

Each of them received a certificate and a 14-inch colour television sets, all valued at 19.8 million cedis as their prizes. Speaking at the end-of-year party and awards night of the company at Bibiani at the weekend, Mr Peter Amponsah-Mensah, General Manager of the company, commended the award winners for their devotion to duty. He called for greater discipline among workers in the ensuing year and advised them to avoid indulging in acts that would likely affect the company's production capacity.

Mr Amponsah-Mensah called for strong security measures to deal with situations in the event of pilfering and stealing of the company's property.

He pledged the company's continued readiness to give of management's support to the workers.

Mr Samuel Ampomah, chairman of the workers' union of the company, commended management for honouring the workers and pledged to work in close collaboration to ensure maximum production. 20 Dec. 04

Source: GNA