
Ashanti REGSEC cautions landlords against accommodating fraudsters

Simon Osei Mensah Ashanti Minister Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensah

Thu, 2 Mar 2023 Source:

The Ashanti Regional Se­curity Council (REGSEC) has warned that it will arrest and prose­cute landlords who will rent their facilities out to fraudsters.

Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensah, in a state­ment issued to the Ghanaian Times, noted that several reports indicat­ed arrest of culprits engaged in fraudulent Q-net activities in some homes.

The statement explained that Quest Net Limited (Q-net) has been dissolved following a petition filed by the Attorney General's Department that it was a ponzi scheme.

Mr Mensah, who is also head of the Council, said that the Com­mercial Division of the Accra High Court on July 20, 2022, ordered the dissolution of Q-net, and wondered why the fraudulent activities were ongoing.

He urged all landlords to be very vigilant and ensure they were not lured into accommodating opera­tors of the illegal and fraudulent schemes.

“Landlords who rent their facili­ties for that purpose do so at their own risk, they will face prosecu­tion and not only that, they’ve to be surcharged with the cost of the repatriation of the foreign nation­als engaged in the legal operations, to their countries,” he cautioned.

The statement asked all and sundry to be vigilant and responsi­ble for their own security, stressing that “see something say something is relevant in the period we live in.”
