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Asoma Banda assures Ghanaians of economic turn around

Alhaji Asuma Banda

Sat, 2 Aug 2014 Source: GNA

Alhaji Dr Asoma Abu Banda, Chief Executive Officer of the Antrak Group of Companies, on Friday assured Ghanaians of economic turn around in the not too distant future.

He urged them to exercise patience with the government, as it tries to resolve the current economic challenges confronting the nation.

Alhaji Banda was speaking to the Ghana News Agency on the sideline of the unveiling of the office of the Cola Natural Resources Ghana Limited and MEDEA Development Limited in Accra, as part of efforts to consolidate their operations in the country.

He said the current challenge facing the nation is part of a global phenomenon confronting many nations, adding that “some nations have gone through worse situations than Ghana, but at the end of the day, the have emerged out of it”.

He said the unemployment situation is not pertaining to Ghana alone, but even world economic powers like the United States and Britain have one of the highest unemployment rates.

Alhaji Banda said with Parliamentary approval of the agreement for oil exploration in the Cape Three Points Block offshore Ghana between the government and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation on one hand, and the Cola Natural Resources Ghana Limited and MEDEA Development Limited, of which he is their local partner, their operations would create more employment opportunities for the teaming youth of the country.

He explained that their exploration works would begin by the middle of this month and would span over seven years.

The Business Magnate advised Ghanaian businessmen and women who are considering entering into the oil and gas industry, to look out for good, reliable and credible investor partners.

Source: GNA