
At The Stock Exchange

Mon, 15 Sep 1997 Source: --

Accra, 5 Sept., The downward trend in gold prices on the world market today reflected in the tumbling in the price of Ashanti Goldfields Company (AGC), sending nearly all the market indicators down the tunnel. World gold price dropped to 321.66 dollars an ounce from about 322. 46 dollars the previous week. The GSE All-Share Index on the Ghana stock exchange dipped 0.41 points to close the week at 420.37 points, down from Wednesday's 420.78 points. The market's volume today stood at 103,730, a far cry from the previous close of 1.54 million a week ago which dipped to 118,400 registered on Wednesday. Shares on demand stood at 8.1 million with demand for Pioneer Tobacco Company registering over three million shares, compared to 758,830 shares that were put on offer. Market capitalisation was down at 2,796.83 billion cedis. It last stood at 2,840.61 billion cedis. On Monday it closed at 2,838.65 billion cedis. On the broader market, there were four gainers and two losers. Guinness Ghana Limited (GGL) and Home Finance Company (HFC) gained five cedis each to close at 390 cedis and 170 cedis respectively. The other gainers were PTC, one cedi to 361 cedis and Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), eight cedis to 5,820 cedis. On the minus side, AGC closed the week poorer losing 410 cedis to end at 20,000 cedis while UNILEVER (UNIL), lost four cedis to 950 cedis. The following are the last prices of listed equities quoted in cedis:

Accra, 5 Sept., The downward trend in gold prices on the world market today reflected in the tumbling in the price of Ashanti Goldfields Company (AGC), sending nearly all the market indicators down the tunnel. World gold price dropped to 321.66 dollars an ounce from about 322. 46 dollars the previous week. The GSE All-Share Index on the Ghana stock exchange dipped 0.41 points to close the week at 420.37 points, down from Wednesday's 420.78 points. The market's volume today stood at 103,730, a far cry from the previous close of 1.54 million a week ago which dipped to 118,400 registered on Wednesday. Shares on demand stood at 8.1 million with demand for Pioneer Tobacco Company registering over three million shares, compared to 758,830 shares that were put on offer. Market capitalisation was down at 2,796.83 billion cedis. It last stood at 2,840.61 billion cedis. On Monday it closed at 2,838.65 billion cedis. On the broader market, there were four gainers and two losers. Guinness Ghana Limited (GGL) and Home Finance Company (HFC) gained five cedis each to close at 390 cedis and 170 cedis respectively. The other gainers were PTC, one cedi to 361 cedis and Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), eight cedis to 5,820 cedis. On the minus side, AGC closed the week poorer losing 410 cedis to end at 20,000 cedis while UNILEVER (UNIL), lost four cedis to 950 cedis. The following are the last prices of listed equities quoted in cedis:
ABL 655 AGC 20,700 -410 ALW 1,470 CFAO 38 EIC 590 FML 400 GCB 682 GGL 390 +5 HFC 170 +5 KBL 840 MGL 175 MLC 187 MOGL 6,000 PAF 156 PTC 361 +1 PZ 310 SCB 5,820 +8 SPPC 100 SSB 1,430 UNIL 950 -4 UTC-E 105

Source: --
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