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Bill introduced to regulate cement prices a perfect move, extend it to other commodities – PNP

Cement Bags Cement Bags Cement Bags Cement Bags Cement Bags Cement Bags Cement bags

Fri, 28 Jun 2024 Source:

The People’s National Party (PNP) has commended the Minister for Trade and Industry for introducing a bill in Parliament that aims to regulate cement prices.

A statement issued by National Chairman and Leader, Janet Asana Nablah, said the move will make cement more affordable for ordinary Ghanaians.

The party opined that those who are opposed to this bill are the ones seeking to undermine the benefits it would have for Ghanaians.

"Only those seeking to undermine this positive effort would oppose this commendable piece of legislation."

"It is evident that some Members of Parliament prioritize the interests of the businessmen and women who funded their campaigns over those of their constituents.

These MPs often oppose policies that seek to benefit Ghanaian families due to their obligations to their sponsors."

The statement further admonished the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Works and Housing, and the Ministry of Agriculture to extend this initiative by introducing additional legislative instruments to regulate food and rent prices, addressing the escalating costs affecting many Ghanaian families.

"We call on all Ghanaian families to vote against any political party in the 2024 elections that puts the interests of businesses ahead of the wellbeing of ordinary citizens like yourselves."

"Be vigilant and oppose any parties that support business practices that are detrimental to the everyday Ghanaian household. Your families deserve leaders who will prioritize your welfare over corporate profits," the statement added.
