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Don’t miss Ghc22b target for 2015, Terkper enjoins GRA

Seth Tekper Budget Reading

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 Source:

Finance Minister Seth Terkper has asked the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) to do everything possible to meet its revenue target of Ghc22 billion for 2015.

GRA missed its target by 2.7 percent, of collecting Ghc17 billion last.

In a speech presented on his behalf at the opening of the first National Delegates’ Congress of the GRA Workers’ Union at Akyawkrom in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality, Terkper said it was important for the GRA to strengthen its mechanisms for generating internal fund, since the nation could not continue depending on donor support to meet increasing government expenditure.

The 3-day meeting, on the theme, “Five years of integration of revenue agencies – challenges and achievements”, would be used to assess performance and discuss the way forward.

As part of efforts to spur the staff on towards achieving the Authority’s revenue target for the year, the speech said the Finance Ministry thought it necessary to approve the payment of bonuses to motivate and challenge them.

The Minister also urged the staff to shun corruption and approach their work with professionalism.
