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ECG cuts power to Ayensu Starch factory over unpaid debt

Ayensu Starch Factory New The starch factory was recently recommissioned by the Foreign Affairs minister Hanna Tetteh

Tue, 28 Jun 2016 Source:

The Ayensu starch factory was recently recommissioned by the Foreign Affairs minister Hanna Tetteh

The Electricity Company of Ghana has cut power to the revamped Ayensu Starch Factory in the Central region as its ongoing disconnection exercise intensifies.

The disconnection campaign has also affected the Cape Coast Polytechnic, where students are writing their exams. The schools owes the state power distributor GHC1.1 million.

On Monday, the newly constructed Cape Coast Stadium and the ministries building, which houses several state agencies in Cape Coast were also disconnected. Some of the agencies operating in the building include, the GES, CEPS, Immigration , Controller and Account General Department, Registrar General Department , Information Service, Graphic, Times and the GNA.

In the Eastern region, the exercise sparked a scuffle between officers of the Prisons service and the ECG taskforce which had gone there to disconnect. The St. Joseph’s hospital in the region was also disconnected while the Koforidua Polytechnic made a part-payment of their debt in order to avoid a disconnection.

The ECG is on a nationwide disconnection exercise to retrieve outstanding debts from its customers.
