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Election 2020: 830 missing names to be included in supplementary voters register – EC

Voters Register 2 620x406 File photo of the voters register

Mon, 30 Nov 2020 Source:

The Electoral Commission (EC) has revealed that some 830 names will be added to the final voters register for the December 7, 2020 elections.

This is the number of eligible voters whose names have not been captured to vote on election day, EC Chairperson, Jean Mensa, said.

The EC Chairperson was addressing journalists on Monday, November 30, 2020, on the final Voters Register.

According to the EC Chairperson, the names and details of persons who have not been captured have already been provided on the missing names list and would be made available at the various polling stations where they registered to enable them to vote.

The list includes persons whose registrations were challenged but later overturned by the court, those who were placed in wrong polling stations and persons whose names were not captured in the final voters register.

The EC Chair also said the Commission thoroughly reviewed and analysed the Voters Register and took steps to reconcile the number of persons who actually registered with the number of persons reflected in the Voters Register.

“We relied on the end of day reports generated by the Biometric Voter Registration Kits and compared the actual number of registrants on the end of day reports to the provisional voters register. At the end of the day, it was revealed that 542 persons had registered but were not captured on the Register,” Jean Mensa explained.

She added that the affected persons would be allowed to vote on Election Day through manual verification.

“The commission will send their details on the missing names list and their Form One As and Form One Cs to the polling stations where they registered and they will be granted the opportunity to vote,” she said.

The EC Chairperson also stated that some 55 persons who have had their names on the Multiples List and had their objections overturned would have their names captured on the Missing Names List.

“What it means is that the Commission is enjoined to grant them an opportunity to vote. However, since the Data had been frozen at the time, we received the court decision, they could not be included in the database. We are adding them to the missing names list to enable them to vote,” she explained.

According to the EC Chairperson, an additional 233 persons who were placed in wrong Polling Stations have also been added to the Missing Names List at the Polling Stations where they originally registered.

“These people will be able to vote and will be verified manually using the Manual Verification Forms,” she said.

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