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FDB confiscates tomato paste

Fri, 1 Sep 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept. 1, GNA 96 The Food and Drugs Board (FDB) on Friday announced that the brand of La Bianca Double Concentration Tomato Paste on the market was safe for consumption. A statement Mr J. Y. Lartey, Acting Head, Communications Unit, signed said FDB had seized a consignment of La Bianca Double Concentration Tomato Paste imported into the country whose expiry date had been tampered with. It said the action was to ensure that none of that consignment was sold to the unsuspecting public. The statement said; "a market survey conducted by the Post Market Surveillance Unit of the Board indicated that none of the confiscated batch has found its way onto the market".

Accra, Sept. 1, GNA 96 The Food and Drugs Board (FDB) on Friday announced that the brand of La Bianca Double Concentration Tomato Paste on the market was safe for consumption. A statement Mr J. Y. Lartey, Acting Head, Communications Unit, signed said FDB had seized a consignment of La Bianca Double Concentration Tomato Paste imported into the country whose expiry date had been tampered with. It said the action was to ensure that none of that consignment was sold to the unsuspecting public. The statement said; "a market survey conducted by the Post Market Surveillance Unit of the Board indicated that none of the confiscated batch has found its way onto the market".

Source: GNA