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Fidelity Bank donates GHc 50,000 to GAF

Tue, 18 Aug 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 18, GNA - The Fidelity Bank, on Tuesday, presented a cheque for GHc 50,000 to the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) to complement government's efforts at re-equipping the force to enable it to perform its duties effectively. Mr Edward Effah, Managing Director of Fidelity Bank, who presented the check, said the gesture was the bank's contribution to maintaining national security, which was necessary for investment and smooth business development.

Lieutenant General Joseph Henry Smith, Minister of Defence, who received the check on behalf of the Armed Forces, said efforts were underway to reposition the GAF to assist other security agencies to cope with any security threat.

He said the ministry had set up a Board to review the organizational structure of the GAF in order to address deficiencies as well as logistics to make it more functional. The Minister said government was considering entering into public-private mutual partnership as well as seeking support from development partners to help address the logistical problems of the security agencies. He commended Fidelity Bank for the donation and appealed to other corporate bodies to emulate. 18 Aug. 09

Source: GNA