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FirstBanC to launch First Fund Initial Public Offer

Thu, 4 Feb 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, Feb. 4, GNA - FirstBanC Financial Services will on Tuesday launch its First Fund Initial Public Offer as the investment banking firm seeks to help members of the public to build wealth. A statement signed by Mr Evron Hughs, SME/Marketing manager said the sale of shares would begin on the same day at a minimum of GH¢20. It said the First Fund was a Securities and Exchange Commission-licensed money market mutual fund that pooled resources of a group of investors and managed it on their behalf.

Accra, Feb. 4, GNA - FirstBanC Financial Services will on Tuesday launch its First Fund Initial Public Offer as the investment banking firm seeks to help members of the public to build wealth. A statement signed by Mr Evron Hughs, SME/Marketing manager said the sale of shares would begin on the same day at a minimum of GH¢20. It said the First Fund was a Securities and Exchange Commission-licensed money market mutual fund that pooled resources of a group of investors and managed it on their behalf. "The main objective of the fund is to provide regular income while preserving capital and maintaining liquidity at all times by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of high quality fixed income securit= ies and other money market instruments," the statement said. 4 Feb. 10

Source: GNA