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Forestry Commission workers join TWWU of TUC

Thu, 17 Mar 2005 Source: GNA

Ho, March 17, GNA - Mr Opare Addo, Volta Regional Chairman of the Forestry Commission Workers Union on Thursday, reaffirmed the union's resolution to affiliate with the Timber and Wood Workers Union (TWWU) of the Trade Union Congress (TUC).

Mr Addo who was addressing a Regional Council Meeting at Ho to reaffirm the union's affiliation with the TWWU, asked the Controller and Accountant General's Department and the Agricultural Workers Union to stop deducting union dues from their monthly salaries and wages with immediate effect.

He said the Union had chosen to join the Timber and Wood Workers Union for better services in accordance with the new Labour Act 651 of 2003, part 11 Section 79, which permitted freedom of association. " This decision is irreversible and no person or persons can force any union on us", he said.

Mr Addo said with their core functions being timber plantation, protection of wild animals and the controlling of timber products exportation, the only union that they could fit into was the Timber Workers Union since "our work is more of timber orientation", he noted. Mr Joshua Ansah, General Secretary of the Timber and Wood Workers Union who was present with his other national executives, assured workers of the Forestry Commission of the Union's commitment to their welfare and other support.

He advised all employees to attach seriousness to their work, adding that, it was only when workers were committed to their work that their requests would be met.

Source: GNA