
Free Zones to attract investment through tourism

Kojo Twum Boafo

Fri, 22 Nov 2013 Source: B&FT

The Ghana Free Zones Board (GFZB), in pursuance of its mandate of promoting capital investment in the economy, has participated in a three-day Cedi-Tourism Fair in Accra.

The aim of GFZB’s attendance was to emphasise the interrelationship between tourism and investment.

Hajia Hanatu Abubakar, Investor Support Services Manager of GFZB, said the three-day fair was insightful since most exhibitors got to learn about opportunities available for local companies that are into the production of local goods such as beads, kente among others.

She said the country has a wide range of opportunities existing in the agro-food processing sector for local manufacturing companies to add value to their agricultural products, such as cashew, tropical fruits and vegetables.

“With the emphasis shifting from raw exports to processed exports, the investment opportunities are endless,” she added.

During the fair, contacts were made and more clarity given to exhibitors on opportunities available within the Ghana Free Zones enclave. Ms. Abubakar said her outfit is committed to attracting more investors into the country, and will apply all rules and regulations on Free Zones activities to the fullest.

Since the inception of the GFZB in 1995, over 31,000 direct jobs have been created, and the figure will shoot up with the registration of more new companies.

The Ghana Free Zones Board’s mission is to help transform Ghana into a gateway to West Africa by creating an attractive and conducive business environment through the provision of competitive free zones incentives, and the operation of an efficient "one-stop-shop" for the promotion and enhancement of domestic and foreign investment.

Source: B&FT