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"Frustration Impedes Investors" -Dr

Tue, 18 Jun 2002 Source:  

Dr. Kingsly Fletcher, Ghanaian Head of Kingsly Fletcher's Ministries in the United States of America says the reason for Ghanaians in the US and elsewhere refusing to come home to invest is the gross level of frustration they encounter here.

He said bringing investors to Ghana is not the problem, but when their integrity is questioned, it embarrasses them. Speaking at a press conference in Accra last week, Dr. Fletcher said his visit to Ghana with Dr. Ron Kenoly, an international artist, is to support areas such as Tourism, Education, Health and eventually the private sector. He said a nation gets its grounding when the private sector is well developed.

He said many people abroad are willing to invest in Ghana but it depends on how they are approached. For instance locally produced goods would only thrive in the world market if people outside there promoted those goods.

Dr. Fletcher said only collective effort can lead the nation to positive change. "No nation has been built by a few while the majority looking on unconcerned."

He would be making presentations of drugs and medical supplies to the Ministry of Health and an undisclosed token to the Ministry of Education and the Shai State.

He disclosed that Dr. Kenoly would be made an honorary citizen of the Shai State. Dr. Kenoly would also undertake two major projects: a music worship school and an orphanage in the Shai region.
