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GSE-All Share Index fell to end bourse impressive run

Wed, 17 Dec 2003 Source: GNA

Accra, Dec. 18, GNA - The Ghana Stock Exchange impressive run came to an end on Wednesday when the GSE-All Share index, the benchmark measure, suffered its first drop in recent months.

Not even gains by eleven equities could prevent the index decline, following a 1,000-cedi loss by SSB Bank.

The index fell by 4.38 points to close at 3,408.66 points from 3,413.04 points.

The total number of shares traded was marginally up at 216,700 shares from Monday's close of 200,900 shares. Change for the year dropped at 144.29 per cent from 142.63 per cent. On the broader market there were 12 price changes- eleven positive and a negative.

Guinness Ghana Limited (GGL) was better by 90 cedis at 5,400 cedis, British American Tobacco (BAT) gained 400 cedis at 4,400 cedis, Ghana Commercial Bank gained 48 cedis at 7,800 cedis, Accra Brewery Limited one cedi at 552 cedis, Enterprise Insurance Company 200 cedis at 9,000 cedis and Camelot 10 cedis at 550 cedis.

Unilever gained five cedis 14,031 cedis, Ghana Breweries Limited appreciated by 20 cedis at 1,425 cedis Home Finance Company was better by two cedis at 3,554 cedis and Mechanical Lloyd Company picked up 39 cedis at 700 cedis, Mobil Oil Ghana Limited was up 1,001 cedis at 35,001 cedis.

The only loser was SSB Bank, which lost 1,000 cedis to close at 19,000 cedis.

Total market capitalization fell to close at 12,251.17 billion cedis from a high of 12,262.23 billion cedis at the previous close on Monday.

The following are the last prices of listed equities in cedis:

ABL 552 +1 AGC 28,650 ALW 4,000 BAT 4,400 +400 CFAO 75 CMLT 550 +10 CPC 630 EIC 9,000 +200 FML 3,750 GBL 1,425 +20 GCB 7,800 +48 GGL 5,400 +90 HFC 3,554 +2 MGL 275 MLC 700 +39 MOGL 35,001 +1,001 PAF 740 PBC 1,300 PZ 2,650 SCB 61,000 SPPC 390 SSB 19,000 -1,000 SWL 288 TBL 9,400 UNIL 14,031 +5

Source: GNA