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GSE to commerce daily training next year

Wed, 22 Dec 2004 Source: Times

The Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) will introduce daily trading in shares of listed companies on the Exchange as from early next year.

Mr. Ekow Afedzi, General Manager of the GSE, disclosed this when a group of journalists from Kumasi visited the Exchange to acquaint themselves with its operations.

He explained that the introduction was to help boost liquidity on the market through continuous trading in the equities as was the practice on bourses throughout the world.

Currently, trading shares of most of the equities is done three times a week ? Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Mr. Afedzi described 2004 as a successful year since it was the first time the exchange listed four new issues. Besides, values and volumes of traded equities had also performed creditably.

He expressed the hope that with a continuous stable macro-economic environment the bourse would continue its upward performance.

Source: Times