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Ghana Manganese Company introduces Alternative livelihood

Mon, 12 Jul 2004 Source: GNA


Nsuta (W/R) July 12,GNA - The Ghana Manganese Company Limited (GMC), has introduced 16 communities in its operational area in the Wassa West District to grasscutter rearing, as part of the Company's Alternative Livelihood Programme at Nsuta near Tarkwa. The two-day training workshop, which also benefited participants from other parts of the country, was organised by the GMC in collaboration with the Centre for Biodiversity Utilisation Development (CBUD).

Madam Sophia Horner-Sam, Deputy Western Regional Minister, who addressed the closing ceremony of the workshop, at the weekend, called on the 56 participants to take active interests in programmes which aims at providing alternative livelihood to mining.

She advised the participants to repay credit facilities extended to them promptly, to widen the network of beneficiaries.

Mr Rexford Agyemang, Administrative Manager of GMC said the Company was committing 64 million cedis to assist 32 participants to start grasscutter breeding projects.

He said 80 snail farmers have been trained under the Alternative Livelihood Programme.

The participants drawn from the Western; Ashanti; Brong Ahafo; Eastern, Volta and Central Regions were taken though topics like: taming; handling and feeding of grasscutters; reproduction and stock management, disease and pest control and sex identification.

Source: GNA