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Ghana Market Index Opens Week Stronger

Tue, 10 Aug 1999 Source: PANA

Accra, Ghana (PANA) - The Ghana market index on Monday opened stronger, gaining 12.98 points mainly on the strength of a 115-cedi hike in the share price of Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB).

The All-Share Index of the Accra bourse closed trading up at 781.79 points from 768.81 points. It lost by nearly 25 points on Friday.

Total shares traded finished the day at 1.2 million while shares on demand were 1.3 million. However, only shares of five equities were sold with the British-American Tobacco Company selling the majority of 1,206,500 shares.

It was followed by GCB with 63,300 shares and Guinness Ghana Limited (GGL) with 8,500 shares. There was also trading in Home Finance Company Limited (HFC) and Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) shares.

Total shares traded and bids closed last weekend at 73,300 and 110,600 respectively.

Shares on offer went up slightly to 3.7 million from Friday's 3.4 million.

Market capitalisation was higher at 3,270.18 billion cedis as against 3,249.70 billion cedis [2,568 cedis = 1 USD].

In the broader market, there were three gainers.

GCB gained 115 cedis to begin the week at 895 cedis while GGL made five cedis to close trading at 1,015 cedis. HFC gained 15 cedis to finish trading at 750 cedis.

The following are the last prices of listed equities in cedis: ABL 450 AGC 18,700 ALW 2,600 BAT 410 CFAO 45 EIC 1,990 FML 1,250 GBL 1,600 GCB 895 '115 GGL 1,015 '5 HFC 750 '15 MGL 220 MLC 190 MOGL 16,000 PAF 290 PZ 840 SCB 20,550 SPPC 180 SSB 1,980 UNIL 1,800 UTC-E 125

Source: PANA