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Ghana-Zimbabwe Business Summit scheduled for Accra on May 31

Wed, 19 May 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, May 19, GNA - Mrs Pavelyn Tendai Musaka, Zimbabwean High Commissioner to Ghana, on Wednesday urged private sector operators in Ghana and Zimbabwe to deepen ties to promote socio-economic development in their countries.

Addressing a press conference ahead of the Zimbabwe-Ghana Business Summit scheduled for Accra on Monday, May 31, 2010, Mrs Musaka said business communities in both countries should use the summit to capitalise on bilateral trade deals and opportunities. "It is time private sectors in both countries to tell their own stories by promoting intra-African trade and investment," she said. Mrs Musaka said the Zimbabwean private sector had much experience to share with their Ghanaian counterparts and some lessons to learn from them as well.

During the summit, Zimbabwean private sector operators would explore opportunities in agriculture, mining, banking, housing and tourism with their Ghanaian counterparts. "Ghana's discovery of oil is an added attraction and Zimbabwe would be looking for opportunities in the downstream sector," Mrs Musaka said, adding there was overwhelming request for participation from Zimbabwean companies.

She urged Ghanaian businesses to explore opportunities in Zimbabwe since her economy had picked up tremendously due to the positive strides of the Coalition Government since 2009.

"Inflation which used to be in the 1,000s has fallen to single digit following the dollarisation of the economy," Mrs Mukasa said. She expressed the hope that the summit would enable Ghana and Zimbabwe to re-activate their Joint Commission for Cooperation to formalise trade and investment relations between the two countries. The summit is being organised as part of activities marking the centenary celebrations of the birth of Dr Kwame Nkrumah. 19 May 10

Source: GNA