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Ghana starts Conformity Assessment to Industry training

Tue, 16 Sep 2014 Source: GNA

The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) is organising a three-day training programme to improve, expand and improve conformity assessment to industries in the country.

The training, with support from the European Union (EU), would train GSA staff as auditors of the ISO14001 standard and boost their confidence in environmental management system under the Trade Related Assistance and Quality Enabling Programme (TRAQUE) of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI).

Opening the workshop in Accra on Monday, Mr Kofi Nagetey, Deputy Executive Director in charge of Commercial Services, GSA explained that the training programme has become necessary due to the absence accessible affordable certification services.

“There is also some difficulty faced by industry in implementing management systems and the unfair competition at both the domestic and international levels implies that something ought to be done about the challenges,” he said.

Mr Nagetey noted that the training would enhance competitiveness on the international market bringing about industrial growth, generate employment, promote technical capacity, ensure production of quality products and services as well improve balance of payment for the country.

He commended the EU for the assistance and assured them that the programme would enhance conformity assessment services to industry.

Mr Michael A.K. Senayah, Director of TRAQUE Programme at the MOTI said the training, which materialised out of the TRAQUE Programme was meant to help the country increase its technical market.

Ms Mariella Sandina, Team Leader of TRAQUE called for the need to ensure maintenance of conformity and ensure that industries work to its adherence.

She also called for the strengthening of the chain of custody and monitoring control for its successful implementation.

Source: GNA